You may know that I serve as assistant coach on my son's soccer team. Sadly, one grown up argued with a ref, and I have to give him the news this week that the board of directors banned him from the field. I wish I could go back to Saturday morning and give him the Vulcan nerve pinch just in time so he would refrain from speaking instead of letting the situation escalate out of control. He's a big boy though, and I'm not his daddy. The fact that he cannot attend any more of his niece's games is a consequence that he brought upon himself. I must fully support the board here, because if the young ref was my own son, I wouldn't want a grown up giving him grief, either..
Soapbox: We have offered several training classes for the families, and this uncle never went. People, if you're given the opportunity to go to one of these Positive Coaching Alliance trainings... GO! Be a part of it. Learn what youth sports is really about, and let's keep the environment fun for everyone.
Then we went home, and one of the dogs killed two hamsters. My daughter cried so hard that day, and there's not really a whole lot we could do to console her, so we just held her and let her cry. I'm sure she will be just fine..
Things got busy, as they do EVERY Saturday. The pain did not disappear, but it became less noticeable as we engaged ourselves in the rest of life. Father's Day came, and we all had a great time together from sunrise to sunset..
Do you think you can identify any the flowers in the negative collage?
well i see a gerber daisy, pansies and a clematis, the other one i don't know.
sorry to hear about saturday's woes. it's a shame about the assistant coach. i hope he shapes up. as for your daughter, sometimes just holding them and letting them cry it out is the best there is. glad to hear sunday was a great day for you though.
Yeah Lime, I don't know what they call those little trumpet-like thingies either.
Oh, and the assistant coach is me. The guy who got banned was somebody's family--a spectator, and not a coach.
Your green napkin/ babushka lady gave me permission to post her picture! I have something special to say about her tomorrow.
The bottom two are violets & clematis. The card was really lovely.
What an obnoxious parent. Don't blame the committee fro banning him. have to set a good example in front of children & poor losers are pathetic.
Two dead hamsters.... Oh dear. Don't expect the dogs wanted their tea that night!
Good post. Thanks for coming over to me.
interesting shots, craver.
the title suits well with both the photos and the post.
Oh, very sad about the hamster. And somehow I am comforted today by your thought that though pain doesn't always disappear, it doesn't need to be in the front seat either.
Love the pictures too.
So sorry to hear about the hampsters but glad you had an extra special Father's Day.
Awww...sorry about the hamsters. I'm glad you had a great father's day though :)
pretty pics Happy Dad' day
Oh, Craver! I just LOVE the colors of these pictures!!! I am sorry about your hamsters and the disappointment about the uncle. Bummer. Glad you had a good Father's Day, and hope you have a smashing summer!
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