Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sky Watch Friday!

a cut above

The distant sound of a lawnmower can be heard over the soccer fields. What?... Over the soccer fields?!! Yes, that's right, "over," as in "above!" It sounded like a lawn mower engine buzzing around up there, somewhere.


There is an airport close by, and we frequently see small aircraft flying overhead. They are always interesting to watch, but this one was moving much slower than the others, and sounded different. If you look closely, you will see that there are TWO people up there, and they have nothing to shield them from wind, bugs, birds, high-flying soccer balls or alien space craft. (sigh) What a thrill that must be!


What... no bag for the air clippings?


Visit Tom to enter this week's Sky Watch Friday.


Tom said...

What a great fun post.... :O)
Thank you for being a part of Sky Watch this week, your post and comments are much appreciated.
Tom ;O)

Anne said...

You never get me up there, I promise !! But the sky was great, also from the ground.

Nice weekend from Anne in Norway.

imac said...

Well captured Craver my friend.

pop and see mine from the back garden.

SandyCarlson said...

What a thrill is right! That would take more courage than I have.

dot said...

A thrill for some maybe but not Dot. I want to keep my feet on the ground. Good pictures.

Daniel J Santos said...

excellent catch.

Martin Stickland said...

It was me up there but the "Hello Craver , lets have a beer" banner I was towing had fallen off!

Hope you are well mate!


Pretty Life Online said...

wow! Perfect shot! Happy SWF! We had the sky up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whether they was made or only just happened... mine's up too hope you can drop by.

FO - 2 said...

It must be fun!
I would love to try it!
I love to fly.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Great Sky Watch! One never knows just *what* one will see. Those folks are pushing their luck (one woman's opinion.)

preacherman said...

I want you to know that I really enjoyed reading this post and your blog. Keep up the great work. I plan on visiting often! :-)

Rose said...

When I was young, I would have loved this...but now you couldn't pay me enough. Great post though.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Before i read what you said i enlarged the photo as i thought i saw people with bare legs, looks a bit scary. great catch

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Craver: Very well captured with a grat post, nice photos.

esnorway said...

nice shots

Anonymous said...

Great shot with good narration. Ha Ha Ha.. I think I come here to have fun !

So, you were ready with your camera ?

Jane Hards Photography said...

Creative choice for skywatch.

Sandpiper (Lin) said...

A great post! Very creative!

Sharon said...

Great catch! It looks kind of scary to me.

Daryl said...

Cool ....


lime said...

my mom has flown one of those and she loved it.

mommanator said...

O Craver, a pun indeed and a great pic for us to ponder

Carletta said...

This is a great Skywatch!
Great job.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Hello, Craver VII: thanks for your visit to my raccoon post. I know that 'coons around here have been known to rip the shingles off the roof if they get a whiff of squirrels making their way into one's attic. I wondered why the squirrel population in my neighborhood had decreased significantly in the last year or so. Now I know. Bet most folks think raccoons are sweet and eat only frogs and fish and stuff, but they enjoy squirrel, too. Yuck!

AphotoAday said...

Brave souls...
Great SWF catch.

Petunia said...

Very nice post but
you will never find me up in one of those:)

Petunia's SWF post

San said...

Craver, you do have a way with puns. A cut above. Flogging with a purpose.

An unexpected Sky Watch photo. Way cool.

Unknown said...

Great captured, Craver!
Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

A interesting post. Great catch!

Alex's World! -