Friday, December 28, 2007

McMahonimal house

It was a good time for those of us who attended *David McMahon's Great Aussie Christmas Bash. He collects quite a crowd, and I hope he hosts another party some time. Thank-you, David!


I enjoyed the opportunity to make new friends through light (and free) entertainment. It was a virtual party. He provided a basic platform for introductions, where a person said what they were bringing, but from there, we were free to launch into a fictional frat house if we wanted.


Some lurked. (We know you're out there.) Some kept to the polite introductions. Some were zany and way out there.


This kind of experiment has gone over quite nicely with the blog jacking that has taken place here on occasion, as well as at *LLBarkat's. But if you want to see the crazies in full bloom, you'll want to go over to *Martin Stickland's. Occasionally they get a bit coarse for my taste, but they're great folks and his community has this psychotic social club thing down to a science. I love 'em!


* means they're in my sidebar


(Here are some examples. Feel free to offer suggestions.)


place to play


blog-jacking humor


Here's my original hijacked post: legislating morality


Mary said...

I came to the party late but still enjoyed myself. David warned me to keep the eggnog away from you.

By the way, did you know Silk makes eggnog now? I saw it at the store but forgot to buy some to try it. I need to get some before they leave until next year.

imac said...

I twas a weez of a party. enjoyed meeting you too and have posted your cards off today.

Happy new year.

see my skywatch and
Breaking News - now up

Ted M. Gossard said...

Yes, we need good humor. We can laugh in such a sad world, because God is sovereign, and in the end all is well, and in the meantime he's working his purpose out. We live in a living hope.

And because of all that, we can and should laugh, probably more than we do- though I know some of us can go overboard on about anything good.

Thanks for your humor too, Craver. You have a good sense of it. And Martin does make me crack up (for me anyhow) at times.

Llama Momma said...

Ah, such happy memories! (That really is a pretty good pot roast recipe...)

orneryswife said...

It was indeed a lovely party. It was fun and different from any I have ever attended before. We'll have to do it again sometime.